Hara Woman
About us
The Hara Woman ITKF is a Commission of the International Traditional Karate Federation made by and for women. Its main goals are to increase the number of female karate practitioners as to encourage, unite and approximate all women who practice Traditional Karate-Do, inside ITKF.
The 3 principal pillars which we are based upon are female empowerment, sorority and equality. Following the Sustainable Development Goal number 5 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, our purpose as a Commission of ITKF, is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Hara Woman has been created to open and consolidate more space for women in karate. We are here to listen, to disseminate information, to discuss matters and to open ways for women to evolve inside ITKF, in karate-do and in society. We are here to grow together, side by side even if miles apart.
Hara Woman Constitution
Hara Woman Google form
Contact us
My name is Giordana Souza and I am presently registered as a Rokku Dan of Shotokan at ITKF.
ITKF World Champion of Fuku-go in 1994 at Treviso, Italy is my major title.
Currently I am the President of the Hara Woman Commission, which has been created to encourage, unite and approximate all women who practice Karate-Do. We aim to open and consolidate more space for women in Karate, to listen an discuss matters.
If you love and practice Traditional Karate come join us at our Hara Woman Group. Let’s evolve together!
Please contact us at:
Whatsapp: +55 41 9 96890093
e-mail: harawoman@itkf.global
We will include you at our Hara Global Group.