The result of strategic and sustainable planning, the historic online meeting brought together some of the main global authorities of the International Traditional Karate Federation, inserting the entity into the digital age
ITKF 2020 Global Seminar
September 22, 2020
Curitiba – PR
On September 12, the International Traditional Karate Federation Executive Committee realized its first global virtual seminar. The meeting opened to all members of the organization had as speakers some of the greatest world authorities in the sport: Gilberto Gaertner, president and technical committee’s member; Vladimir Jorga and Richard Jorgensen, members of the technical committee and administrative; and Vencislav Nedev, Eligio Contarelli and Justo Gómez, members of the technical committee.
Traditional karate-do leaders attest that the ITKF Global Seminar 2020 has definitely brought the entity into the digital age.
In the evaluation of Professor Gilberto Gaertner, president of ITKF, the main objective of the event was to show the history of the entity and its evolution, the goals, principles and projects that guide it today, in addition to the technical basis that underlies traditional karate-do.
Gilberto Gaertner, ITKF chairman
“This first virtual global event, conducted by six members of the institution’s technical committee, was mainly aimed at instructors. The impacts of traditional karate practice on physical health, emotional health and cognitive development were addressed. In the technical area, the biomechanical and kinesiological principles that support the practice of traditional karate, the methodology for kata training and kitei kata, developed by the masters Hidetaka Nishiyama, Kenei Mabuni and Tomoharu Kisaki, thus gathering together techniques from Shotokan, Shito-Ryu and Goju-Ryu.”
Luiz Alberto Küster, ITKF general secretary, described the Global Seminar 2020 as an experience that inserted digital resources and tools in the entity’s technical and administrative areas.
“The first global seminar was a great success. Accesses came from more than 50 countries and we have approximately 2,500 views on YouTube. This was a pilot event, because we needed to better understand all the dynamics of the process to identify any technical difficulties that we would face. We opted for the webinar model, in which only the speakers communicated with each other through the Zoom platform, while the other participants interacted through YouTube.”
For Fernando da Silva, president of the Budô Martial Portugal Federation (FBMP), the global seminar held on September 12 was crowned with success, evidenced by the number of participants and positive feedback from karateka from around the world.
“We have long been looking forward to adjusting ITKF management to what is most practical and modern in the business and administrative field. Currently, communication is very fast and we could no longer wait months and months to meet, either for technical or administrative reasons. I believe that we did very well in this first meeting and in our first virtual experience”, evaluated the Portuguese leader.

Jorge Alejandro Crosa Pérez, president of the Uruguayan Traditional Karate Association
For Jorge Alejandro Crosa Pérez, president of the Traditional Karate Association of Uruguay (AKTU), September 12 was a historic date for lovers of the sport.
“In addition to all the expectations that the new initiative brought, there was the fact that the ITKF was reconnecting to the world, after the great effort of its relaunch, symbolized in the realization of the Curitiba World Championship (2019), which was unfortunately stifled by the devastating wave caused by the covid-19 pandemic. Thousands of gyms have closed and thousands of practitioners have abandoned face-to-face practice. Without a doubt, a 2020 that was not in anyone’s plans. However, ITKF’s constant, vigorous and silent work culminated in its first achievements, as a result of the strategic planning prepared by our organizing committee. The results of actions of broad academic, technical and technological content of the management led by Professor Gilberto Gaertner are beginning to emerge.”
Leonardo Neves, communication coordinator for the International Traditional Karate Federation, highlighted the unprecedented nature of a media action that spanned five continents.
“The interaction between the communication and innovation committees provided a unique experience for the seminar participants. We used tools currently available on the internet and made the technology take traditional karate to the five continents where our members are located. We created an environment in which people could better understand the current vision of the entity’s executive committee and show where the ITKF intends to go “, exposed Neves.
Joarez Evangelista Franco Júnior, ITKF’s IT coordinator, recalled that organizing a global virtual seminar requires enormous planning and assertive alignment due to the various factors involved, such as differences in times and cultures. “The main points during the preparation and initial tests were to ensure that the speakers would have a stable internet connection as well as adequate lighting and sound in the environments where they would make the presentations. The choice of tools to transmit the seminar was an essential factor. The link between Zoom and YouTube provided the presenters with convenience and public access in a simple and quick way”, he detailed.

Luiz Alberto Küster, ITKF general secretary
Vinicius Sant’Ana Pinto, ITKF planning coordinator, highlighted the vision and ability of the top manager of traditional karate. “Before discussing strategic and planning issues, we must remember that we have a visionary and inspiring leader. I remember when, after a training session in Curitiba (PR), long before the 2019 World Championship, I told Professor Gaertner that we should build the ITKF strategic planning with a new vision, developing collaborative and integrative aspects, with agile and innovative, and he endorsed my views.”
“Today we compose a team with excellent professionals, with complementary experiences and trajectories,” continued the ITKF planning coordinator. “The institution is undergoing a transformation process, with very good strategic and professional development. Everyone is open and we can conduct our actions in a sustainable manner and with total professionalism. We brought to ITKF a modern and up-to-date management, like the one practiced in the big world corporate corporations.”
Future direction
In Gilberto Gaertner’s evaluation, ITKF made its direction for the future public and clear, based on the following objectives: self-defense, general health, mental health, cognitive development, development of human values and development of a culture of peace, equality and sustainability.
“This event, which served as a pilot and learning for future remote actions, had excellent quality in all aspects, in addition to great repercussion, reaching more than 2,500 accesses and more than 50 countries. We will shortly start several training programs, with wide coverage, making use of digital platforms, as this experience proved to be safe and fully met the objectives set.”

Fernando da Silva, president of the Budô Martial Portugal Federation
Dr. Vladimir Jorga, a doctor who has, for more than 50 years, conducted scientific studies to understand the impact of karate on the general health of the practitioner, presented observations concerning skeletal muscle, cardiovascular and respiratory aspects, and how this group works beneficially in the condition general health of karatekas.
Then there was a practical class in which the sensei Eligio Contarelli demonstrated the connection of the basic techniques of the heian kata series with the advanced kata, such as kanku-dai, jion and empi, among others. He reinforced the importance of the hard training of the heian series by beginners, arguing that they return among others, more sophisticated, as the practitioner advances in their development.
Sensei Richard Jorgensen told the story of karate, from India to arrival in China and later to Okinawa and Japan. He reported his experience alongside Master Nishiyama in creating the IAKF and ITKF and recalled the difficulties faced and the upheavals of the Committee International Olympic Games (IOC) that led to the creation of traditional karate. He finally emphasized the true nature of Dento Karate Do and true spirit and purpose of ITKF.
A graduate in Physical Education from the University of Belgrade, sensei Vencislav Nedev described the physiological, biomechanical and kinesiological responses resulting from the practice of karate in the human body and in health in general.

Joarez Evangelista Franco Júnior, ITKF’s IT coordinator
Professor Gilberto Gaertner addressed the impacts of traditional karate practice on emotional balance and self-control in periods of volatility such as the world is experiencing. He explained psychological aspects and the results of anxiety and depression that oppress people, demonstrating breathing exercises, body awareness and meditation techniques that can be inserted in karate classes.
Revealing deep knowledge and extensive personal experience, sensei Justo Gómez commented techniques and demonstrated detailed execution of kata kitei, giving his personal version of bunkai and the application of each technique individually.
The event also had the surprise participation of Master Tasuke Watanabe, chairman of the Shihan Kai Council, who, even in the process of recovering from a major surgery, participated by reciting the mottos of karate (Dojo Kun).
Luiz Alberto Küster, ITKF general secretary, considered the seminar very well balanced, with four academic lectures and two technical presentations with a lot of dynamics, which met the expectations of an extremely demanding audience.
“I followed the reactions of the participants in detail through comments on YouTube, and they were all enthusiastic about the excellent technical level of the lectures and the wisdom of the ITKF leaders,” he said.

Vinicius Sant’Ana Pinto, ITKF planning coordinator
Electrical engineer, executive director of three industries in Europe, president of the Portuguese federation and ITKF’s worldwide directory comptroller, black belt yon-dan Fernando da Silva recalled that the global term can be applied both to the topics covered and to the participating public and speakers, from Canada, Brazil, Macedonia, Italy, Serbia and Argentina.
“The contents were superiorly covered and extremely comprehensive: biodynamic principles, history and definition of the ITKF, kata training method, impact of karate practice on health, emotional balance and kitei kata. A vast set that enriched the participants with precious and extremely useful information”, added the Portuguese official.
“Despite many hours of training, due to the variety and interest of the topics, the time was easily exceeded. It is important for ITKF to continue organizing these training moments, as they are undoubtedly extremely important and valuable to the world of traditional karate”, concluded Fernando da Silva.
Jorge Alejandro Crosa Pérez, ITKF yon-dan black belt architect, president of the Uruguayan Traditional Karate Association (AKTU), secretary general of the Pan American Federation of Traditional Karate (PTKF) and ITKF worldwide directory comptroller, pointed out that the ITKF has always stood out for applying scientific methods to understand the practice of traditional karate.
“It is understood that the activity in traditional karate must last a lifetime. In this sense, ITKF has a wide range of professionals focused on obtaining results that help us to better understand aspects related to a healthy practice and how it substantially improves quality of life.
BUDO FOR LIFE is more than a slogan. At ITKF, it is our main objective.”
The Uruguayan leader pointed out that the contents published in the six workshops presented excellent theoretical and practical handling by his exhibitors, providing total or partial understanding to those who attended the lectures. “And most importantly, ITKF has managed to bring us all together again, despite the adversities.”
According to Crosa Pérez, strong leadership, a team of excellent teachers and great teamwork made ITKF remain united, strong, managing to join forces in almost six hours of intense work and giving signals to the world of karate that the institution has existed for much more time.

Leonardo Neves, communication coordinator
Recreational content for young practitioners, seminars with a greater practical than theoretical load for beginners, equitable participation of women in teaching and having ITKF programs recognized by authorities responsible for basic education in each country are issues that will be addressed over time in the view of the Uruguayan leader.
“The most difficult thing was achieved on September 12,” concluded Crosa Pérez. “More than 50 countries see ITKF as a valid alternative to join forces and socialize knowledge of their style, their school. Now it’s time to look at the next content that, loyal to Dojo Kun, will make us try to improve ourselves. Without a doubt, ITKF has done it again and the tradition continues.”
Computer engineer, business analyst, black belt sho-dan and ITKF IT advisor, Joarez Evangelista Franco Júnior noted that, in terms of content, in addition to classes, breaks were used to present the new initiatives conducted by ITKF and which tend to cause a great positive impact in the areas of diversity and socio-educational projects, generating the involvement of the public of traditional karate-do at a global level.
“It is worth mentioning the excellent work of publicity on social networks carried out by the communication commission, as well as the creation of all visual material in an unprecedented way at the institution. The execution of this first seminar exceeded expectations in both content and audience. Based on the lessons learned from this meeting, the idea for the next ones is to continue bringing high quality material, with even more dynamism and the interaction of the practitioners”, said Franco Júnior.
Electrical engineer, post-graduated and with an MBA at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, industrial executive manager, three-time world champion for kumitê by team, seven-times Pan American champion and ITKF planning advisor, black belt yon-dan Vinicius Sant’Ana Pinto highlighted the consolidation the quality of the work of the entire team.
Mission given, mission accomplished! “Our team showed an extraordinary harmony, we managed to lead ITKF to an innovative and digital world. We undoubtedly impressed a milestone in the ITKF, reaching more than 50 countries and around 2,500 views. We still have a long way to go, but I am sure that strategic planning has provoked countless reflections in the leaders of the most diverse countries and in our board. Thinking strategically and sustainably will lead us to extraordinary results, never seen in the history of world karate. Having an inspiring leader like sensei Gilberto Gaertner is really fantastic”, detailed the ITKF planning advisor.
He concluded: “Happiness. This is my feeling for being part of an excellent team at ITKF. We are in a growing process of evolution and learning. When we develop our work with love, focus and dedication, success is guaranteed”, explained Vina.